Application SecurityTesting Services

From web and mobile to platform and hardware-hosted applications, SISA’s application security testing services helps you close vulnerabilities in applications while mitigating risks to meet regulatory compliance requirements.

Scalable, on-demand, and flexible application security testing

With a rich experience of mitigating security risks across application threat surfaces including web, mobile, cloud, and thick client, we deliver both onsite and online application security services to help you ensure enterprise-grade security.
Application Penetration Testing

We provide a real-world view of the vulnerabilities in your applications and guide you to mitigate those to help you stay one step ahead of attackers.

CREST Approved Security Testing

A mark of excellence and credibility, SISA provides VAPT services of highest quality and technical standards as approved by CREST.

Secure Code Review

Verify the validity of security controls and identify hidden vulnerabilities by getting your application code tested by SISA.

Combination of manual and automated application security testing

We leverage the right combination of manual automated application security testing tools to uncover design flaws and insecure coding practices in your applications. If you want to accelerate your application modernization efforts using an agile and flexible security testing solution, you have reached the right place.

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