Security Incident Detectionand Response Programs

Our incident detection and response programs are intensive forensic-led courses designed to teach advanced investigative techniques that help both cybersecurity professionals and senior management executives hone the skills required to respond to emerging cyber threats.

Learn to discover evidence of initial attack vectors, identify persistence mechanisms, and investigate a security incident


CIDR is a 2-day concept-driven comprehensive coverage of security incident management skills to help participants in proactive threat detection and mitigation. The program also focuses on the importance of an effective Security Operations Center to efficiently hunt, detect, and prevent adverse activities.

Forensic Learning Sessions

With the insights developed from our forensic investigations and curated from in-depth analysis of the latest methodologies used by advanced cyber attackers, we share with you the threats that remain in the wild and inform about vulnerabilities that have led to breaches. We help you gauge the next possible breach.

Don’t just close the skills gap, hurdle it

As a part of our mission to help businesses strengthen their cybersecurity posture, our incident detection and response programs are collectively based on our initiative to share the forensic learnings and educate the community to be able to spot, chase, and contain advanced cyber threats.

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